Speak Securely

Designed and Made in India

With increasing threats to leaders and other important dignitaries, the Bulletproof Podium designed by Balaji provides vital protection while they address public gatherings. The Podium is covered in a wood finish laminate with high-quality bulletproof glass to ensure that the VIP is protected and can inter-relate with his audience.


The Bulletproof Podium can be used to address election gatherings, public meetings, and other public speaking events where there is a perceived security risk.


The Bulletproof Podium provides protection against threat levels up to NIJ Level III


  • The front of the plates is covered with wood laminate to give it a standard wooden podium look.
  • The Bulletproof Podium is provided with a wooden lectern for a microphone and light.
  • The Bulletproof Podium comes in two variants for protection against 7.62 x 39mm and 7.62 x 51mmNATOBall.
  • The entire Bulletproof Podium weighs approximately 350 Kg..
  • Air conditioning.