Stay Secure & Live Safe

Designed and Made in India

The Architectural Division of SECURE has the necessary material to construct maximally secure buildings, homes, and offices. Continuing advances in architectural armoring require stronger and lighter materials. Balaji Textiles works closely with architects and builders to develop a solution that suits the needs of its customers.

SECURE specializes in providing the most advanced materials and composites while leaving the installation up to the architect or builder a customer chooses. In this way, building materials are produced by experts and installed by professionals.

Blast Resistant Doors

Blast protection is one of today’s biggest challenges. Whether you are looking for blast doors, blast windows, or other building elements, Balaji Textiles will have the solution to hand. A Petro-chemical blast may be regarded as different from a terrorist blast attack but fundamentally, blast doors and windows will have to perform the same task – protecting people, places, and possessions.

Bespoke Manufacturing

Blast effects will vary with regard to circumstance, but no matter whether the requirement for your blast doors or blast windows is specified in EXV, C15, C25, C30, C45 or Kilopascals, PSI, N/m², kN/m², or by type of blast/bomb e.g, pipe bombs, fragmentation, IED’s*, vehicle or hand delivered charges Balaji Textiles can manufacture bespoke blast doors to meet your specific requirements. In-house blast modeling, testing, and calculations underpin our steel blast and timber composite door-sets. From functional powder-coated steel finish blast doors to prestigious veneered blast, doors our fully trained Technical Department will have the answer and the product to suit your specific needs. *improvised explosive device/vehicle-borne improvised explosive device.


The vast majority of Balaji Textiles blast doors are manufactured from steel, with an inner welded framework connected to the front and rear doors skins with multiple welds.

In addition to attacks from conventional weapons, ballistic resistance is needed for protection against blast fragmentation. Blast fragmentation is considered to be traveling around 3 times faster than a rifle bullet. Combined with a blast wave traveling at 7000-8000 meters per second then providing blast protection is an onerous task. Balaji Textiles offers ballistic & blast resistant door sets to the following ballistic specifications EN 1522/3 FB2, EN1522 FB3, EN1522 FB4, EN1522 FB5, EN1522 FB6, EN1522 FB7 and EN1522 FSG. Please click through for data sheets and more. Please contact us to discuss your blast-rated requirements.


The majority of blast doors Balaji Textiles manufacture are fitted with 3 point locking, securing the door leaf to the frame at the head, threashold and jamb. The 3 pint locks can be manual locking or access controlled to suit site conditions. For access controlled doors there are the options of surface or rebated door loops.

Vision Panels

Blast rated vision panels are an option, these can also be ballistic rated as can the doorset.


Blast rated security doors can be polyester powder coated from a standard range of RAL colours. As blast doors have a very large volume of welding the doors, after fabrication the blast doors spend a considerable time in the fettling shop where the majority of the weld is polished out. After fettling the doors and frames as cleaned in a Phoswash degreasing process. Whilst we do have a automated paint line the majority of blast doors have to be hung in the box oven, as they are too heavy to go on the paint track

Bullet Resistant Transaction Window

Balaji Textiles manufactures transaction windows in a wide range of sizes and configurations including ballistic-grade steel. Available options include fixed or sliding sashes, natural voice transmission, as well as a large selection of deal trays and pass-through options. Several Bullet Proof glass window configurations and protection levels.